Today's economy is forcing many to look at their career future and decide whether it's time to get more training or whether it's time to get an entirely new career.
While the idea of more career training sounds nice, many people can't spare the time to enroll in a career program. Many people associate going back to school with having to be a student full time, with big chunks of their week dedicated solely to being in a class.
And when it comes to attending class, there are other concerns such as commuting to campus, paying for parking and arranging babysitters. While this may be the reality for some students enrolling in traditional classes, it's certainly not the situation for students who enroll in 100% online career training.
As an online student, you can work full time or care for your children full time as well as take care of responsibilities to your friends and community. Enrolling in an online training program means you can study at home when it's convenient for you. If you're a morning person, you can log onto your computer at 6 a.m. and get started on your course -- it's your choice.
In addition to people who work full time, stay-at-home parents find that the flexibility inherent in online training is a real plus. Moms and Dads who are busy taking care of the children during the day can study early in the morning, late at night, on the weekends or even while the children are napping.
Online career training also has the advantage of being self-paced. In a traditional classroom, if you don't understand a lesson on the day it is taught, you may be left behind. Online learning means that you can go back over a lesson as many times as you need until you get it right.
And so with all this in mind, you can see that choosing online education during this economic crisis allows you to keep your day job and/or continue to take care of your children. While you may have your dreams set on a future career, a steady pay check from your current employer is an important source of support these days; keep money coming into your house while you plan for your future career with online training.
It's equally important during this economic time to reduce expenses as much as possible. The expense of day care or babysitters is something that some online students do not have to worry about. Enroll in your course, take care of your children and then study during the windows of time that best suit your schedule.
Online schools offer a variety of career training courses that can be completed in a matter of months, not years. Students can enroll in courses in the real estate, medical and business fields. Options include courses like medical coder, home inspector, pharmacy technician, California licensed contractor and real estate broker.
Allied has been tapped as a participating vocational school of the new Army Vocational/Technical (AVOTEC) Pilot Program -- making it 1 of 2 approved schools in California to provide education under the program.
Allied Schools worked directly with the Army, including an in-depth application process, to be added as an approved education provider. As a result, soldiers can now enroll in certificate programs under the AVOTEC program at Allied and benefit from 100% online real estate, medical and business career training programs.
"We are proud to serve the military community and provide a means for soldiers to get in-demand career training," said George Achenbach, president of Allied Schools. "Online vocational courses make it possible for these men and women to create fulfilling post-Army careers and we are pleased to play a part in this beneficial program."
The AVOTEC Pilot Program enables soldiers to use up to $4,500 to get training for a smooth transition into their post-Army career. Their education must be finished in less than 18 months; and they must enroll before September 30, 2009 to be eligible.
Click here to learn more about Allied's AVOTEC Pilot Program
Allied's career training programs are ideal for active-duty soldiers because it allows them to attend class from almost anywhere, even a remote country or location. They decide where and when to learn, according to their own schedule; course materials are available 24/7. Live student support is available throughout the duration of their program when they enroll. Job assistance is also available to help with their job search.
Additionally, soldiers can get a jumpstart on their college degree. With training from Allied Schools, they may be able to apply their vocational training to an Allied American University degree program. They can study worldwide with 100% online degree programs.
Benefits include: a quick, complimentary transfer credit evaluation, weekly enrollments (52 starts per year), no fees, textbook grant and live student support.
Soldiers can call (888) 501-5221 to get started with an approved AVOTEC school. A short-term certificate program can give them the high-demand training needed to start a fulfilling post-Army career.