If you've been anywhere near the news of late, you've probably seen stories about Sheryl Sandberg and her bestselling book, Lean In, which "dissects the roles of working women and shares her three biggest mistakes working women make," says The Huffington Post. Sandberg’s words are important, even in today’s age. The workplace has come a long way to address gender equality, but there are still certain cultural touchstones that perhaps still need to be discussed, debated, and delved into. This is all part of what it means to lean in.
Source: Huffington Post |
But what does lean in really mean?
- In a general sense, to lean in is to take time to think, share, and communicate the things you can change in your professional and personal lives so that you have a better chance of achieving your goals.
- In a more specific sense, lean in can amount to many things: achieving the right balance between work and life by starting at home with the right partnership in a spouse or partner; finding the right way to combine success with likeability; sticking up for what you deem you are worth; and many other important lessons.
The "three biggest mistakes working women make" according to Sheryl Sandberg.
- "Not believing in themselves." This is self-explanatory, but it’s something that we all should remind ourselves of. We need to believe in ourselves in order to make any true, genuine, worthwhile effort, whether that it’s in our personal lives or our careers. This is especially true for women, as Sandberg says.
- "Not making their partners real partners." Real partners are those that can be relied upon. Sandberg makes a point of emphasizing that career success is easier to achieve if you have a reliable partner or spouse.
- "Don’t leave before you leave." In other words, don’t look for an exit from your career before you are actually ready to make that decision. An example she uses is when individuals (women or men) don’t fully commit and exit a career prematurely "years before they have children."
What can you do to lean in?
- To address the three biggest mistakes, you should believe in yourself; make your partner a real partner; and don’t give up before you start.
- Don’t be afraid to jump in and get both feet wet. It’s scary, sure. But it can be very rewarding. You just have to be willing to try, and keep trying!
- Communicate your value. Know your worth. Understand it. And fight for it. The more you do that, the more that we’ll succeed in limiting the power of those that want to take a limited, biased view of the world and workforce.
- If you feel like you’re lacking in certain professional skills, be sure to educate yourself. The more tools you have, the better chances you have to flourish. Allied Schools has a variety of career-specific training for your careers in business, real estate, medical, and more.
Want to learn more about lean in? Here are a couple of links to get you started:
So, we’d love to know: how are you applying Sandberg’s concept of leaning in?
If you have any questions about our online career training programs, please give us a call at (800) 501-7686.
Labels: career training, lean in, lean in career, lean in education, lean in oprah, lean in sheryl sandberg, Leaning in, sheryl sandberg
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